Driver Rehabilitation is a central service at Capuchino Therapy Group. As of 2014, Lula Capuchino is one of just 16 Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (CDRS) in California! Our driver rehabilitation specialists are licensed Occupational or Physical therapists who will assess your driving skills with a thorough evaluation and recommend interventions and vehicle modifications to allow you to drive safely around town and have the freedom you need to shop, dine out, and enjoy our community. Our driver rehab specialists will also assess passenger safety and make recommendations to promote your ability to access the community with your mobility device as needed.

Is Driver Rehabilitation right for you or your patient?
Are you or your patient unable to access their community because of a disability or injury?Are you unsure whether you or your patient should be a driver or passenger?Is driving safety an issue? Or have you noticed unsafe practices of your patients or their caregivers due to lack of training or equipment? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should consider referring to the assistance of an adaptive driver rehabilitation specialist!
Benefits of Using Capuchino Therapy Group
Capuchino Therapy Group provides every client with evidence-based assessments with thorough evaluations of driving skills, safety, and equipment. Our collaboration with mobility equipment dealers helps us accurately determine the appropriate vehicle, equipment, and fit for our clients. Through our systematic reviews of cost effective solutions, we provide unbiased product recommendations and avoid unnecessary equipment recommendations.
Who can DRSs help?
Driver assessment and rehabilitation are appropriate for a broad spectrum of physical and cognitive disabilities. DRSs work with clients who have high functioning autism, cerebral palsy, dementia, stroke, arthritis, low vision, learning disabilities, limb amputations, neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injuries, mental health problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other causes of functional deficits.
Driver rehabilitation can be as straightforward as providing extended gear shift levers, padded steering wheels, and extra mirrors to patients with arthritis, and training them in their use. It can also be as complex as working with a client with dementia and his/her caregivers to determine the client’s driving needs, plan driving routes for the client, supervise practice drives, and provide close and extended follow-up.
For more information on our driver rehabilitation services, visit our driver rehabilitation website or call us today at 916-481-1300.